BREATH (BiomedicalResearch in End-stage and obstructive Lung Disease Hannover) uniquely unites internationally recognized expertise in translational respiratory medicine. The research network consists of the four strong partners Hannover Medical School, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Fraunhofer ITEM and CAPNETZ FOUNDATION.
BREATH is one of the five sites of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL).

On March 10, 2024, Professor Dr. Tobias Welte passed away after a brief, severe illness. His death was and still is a shock to us all, and we are infinitely saddened.
We feel deep gratitude for Tobias Welte, both for his humanity and for the tireless energy and foresight with which he created his life's work. His unwavering dedication to his work, his deep wisdom and his kindness have touched countless lives.
He leaves an immeasurable gap in our community. In him we lose a great scientist, strategist and friend. Tobias Welte's legacy will live on in our hearts and in the work we continue to do in his honor.