June 02, 2018: Patient´s Day on Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, Hannover Medical School



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Date: June 02, 2018

Place: Clinical Research Center Hannover I Feodor-Lynen-Str. 15 I 30625 Hannover

To register for this event is mendatory and will be open until May 25, 2018. Please use the "REGISTRATION"- button on the left side. 

If you are accompanied and/or require oxygen, please inform us via the provided free text box under "Registration".

Please also let us know if you would be interested in a FibroScan®. Here is a quick reference to the FibroScan® (in German).

This event is an coorperation of Hannover Medical School, BREATH, Alpha1 Deutschland e.V and the Lung Information Service (LID in German).

Program / flyer (in German)