Competence Network - Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAPNETZ)
CAPNETZ is a Germany-wide research network that has expanded in recent years into neighboring countries. The aims of CAPNETZ are the optimization of the treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and the development of therapeutic recommendations and guidelines. Numerous doctors from selected clinics, researchers, general practitioners and specialists work closely together in this network. Data are collected on pathogens and pathogen resistance as well as information on diagnostics and therapy of CAP patients.
In the meantime, CAP has become a widespread disease. In Germany, it is estimated that 800.000 people contract CAP. About one-third of these patients have to be treated in hospital as a result of this disease. Thus more patients with CAP are admitted to hospital than patients with myocardial infarction or a stroke. Pneumonia ranks sixth in causes of death in Germany. Six to eight percent of those affected die from inflammation of the lungs.
CAPNETZ supports the interdisciplinary cooperation in leading research institutions with regard to CAP and this is being continuously expanded. One aim of CAPNETZ is to make innovations and new insights developed by the scientists transparent and available at an early stage.
The non-profitmaking CAPNETZ STIFTUNG is the sponsor of this research network. It was set up in 2007 as an independent foundation and incorporates the university centers involved as co-founders: Charité University Medicine Berlin, Hannover Medical School and Ulm University are the mainstay of the foundation.
The aim of the foundation is the support of scientific work on community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and other acute infections of the lower respiratory tract.