BREATH, the Hanoverian site of the German Center for Lung Research, regularly organizes training events for doctors and patients. But also non-medical occupational groups can continue their education at BREATH. Since 2008, the working group respiratory therapy Lower Saxony organizes advanced training days for CF physiotherapists together with the CF outpatient clinic of the MHH. This year's focus was on sports and performance diagnostics as well as training and therapy recommendations.
In addition to the theoretical considerations on sport and training recommendations in CF, the diversified program also included a large practical part. In the sports medicine rooms the participants had the opportunity to try out different equipment and trainings themselves. It was shown in small groups how different aspects, i.a. coordination and general strengthening, can be taught in a playful way.
The feedback on the event was consistently positive. Next year, a training event will take place again. Contact persons for this are Ms. Kathrin Könecke-Goerg (Respiratory Physiotherapy Practice Edemissen) and Prof. Dr. Burkhard Tümmler, scientist at BREATH at the Clinical Research Group CF (MHH).
Picture: BREATH