Séverine Cranz presented a poster on "Studying homing of basic lung cell types into their native cell of decellularized ex vivo human lung slices by 4D live-cell light sheet microscopy". The data was collected in a collaborative project with the Research Unit Lung Repair and Regeneration, headed by Prof. Dr. Melanie Königshoff, at the Helmholtz Center Munich and in cooperation with Dr. Ruth Olmer and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Martin from the DZL location BREATH in Hannover.
The aim of the presented study was to use human stem cells for the colonization of human 3D lung scaffolds. These lung scaffolds are derived from human lung tissue, which undergoes a special decellularization process until it no longer contains functional lung cells and can be used as an extracellular matrix. In so-called tissue engineering, new lungs for transplantation are to be constructed from these matrices by colonization with lung cells grown in the laboratory.
The group around Séverine Cranz investigated how the interaction of extracellular matrix and stem cells influences cell behavior. As one of the most advanced technologies, researchers at CPC-M used a brand new lightsheet microscope. Extremely fast imaging allows the microscope to visualize the dynamics, behavior and interaction of human lung stem cells over a longer period of time in 3D, so that the additional temporal dimension is referred to as 4D live-cell microscopy.
Bild: CPC-M