New round of funding for clinical studies in the DZL

Also in 2022, further clinical studies will be funded in the DZL. In this year’s application round, two studies have been successful:


In a pilot study, the effectiveness of liposomal cyclosporine A (L-CsA-i) against COVID-19 is being investigated. In this prospective, randomized and double-blind proof-of-concept study, patients with a laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection are included, whose COVID infection has not (yet) led to hospitalization. At the present time, COVID-19 research is mainly focussed on vaccination and drug therapy for the treatment of patients with severe disease progression. However, early outpatient treatment is of great interest for the health system since safe and effective inhibition of the replication of SARS-CoV-2 can prevent an early spread of the virus and progression of the disease to a serious level. Administration of L-CsA-i could present another option for this. The study will be performed in cooperation between the DZL sites UGMLC (Principal Investigator S. Herold) and BREATH (T. Welte).

In the second sponsored study, the role of lymphotoxin-expressing T-cells in the development of tissue damage in the pathogenesis of  COPD will be examined. Firstly, blood serum from two well defined retrospective cohorts will be evaluated. In a further step, both blood cells and serum should be examined in a prospective validation cohort. The aim of the study is to develop a prediction model which identifies at an early stage of COPD those subtypes with a risk of developing into severe COPD. In this way, more effective, personalized interventions should be made possible. The study will be performed in cooperation with the DZL sites CPC (Ö. Yildirim (Principal Investigator), K. Kahnert), ARCN (H. Watz) and TLRC (F. Trinkmann). 

In addition to carrying out these studies, the DZL supports the funding applications for five further studies with start-up financing. The wide spectrum of study preparations covers the screening of a new medication for pulmonary fibrosis, a therapy to raise the tolerance of lung transplantations by implanting regulatory T-cells, as well as research into the security and possible application of immunotherapy for young children to prevent asthma. Two of the applications deal with pulmonary hypertension (PH), one with tests for a mitochondrial antioxidant for right ventricular failure, the other with expression of the main signaling pathway in patients with different PH subtypes. These applications are to be submitted at a later date to various public funding authorities, e.g. the DFG, BMBF or the DZL itself. 

Currently, the DZL supports a total of 14 studies of various different diseases of the lung, whilst 11 further studies have been completed. Using the funding instrument of start-up financing, up to now 21 applications have been successfully prepared.


Picture: BREATH